Functional and Stylish Gutter Choices for Your Home

A male contractor installing new gutters on the roof of a home in Springfield, IL.

When it comes to enhancing the exterior of your home, gutters play a crucial role in both functionality and aesthetics. Not only do they protect your home from water damage by channeling rainwater away from the foundation, but they also contribute to the overall look and feel of your property. With a variety of options […]

How to Know When Your Porch Needs a New Roof

An old house in Springfield, IL, with a damaged, sagging porch roof in need of repairs.

Your porch is not only a functional space but also an aesthetic focal point of your home. Over time, the roof of your porch may start showing signs of wear and tear, indicating the need for replacement. At Capital City Home Improvement in Springfield, IL, we understand the importance of a well-maintained porch roof in […]

Signs Your Home May Need New Gutters

Gutters in Springfield IL with rain attached to the roof of a residential home.

It may be easy to forget about your gutters, however, they are an incredibly important part of the security of your home in Springfield, IL. Living in the Midwest means being prepared for any possible weather conditions, especially rain and snow. To keep your home from flooding, quality gutters are necessary to control the movement […]